"Brother, you look really nice …"

"Don’t touch me …"
The boy threw his hand off the girl and wrapped it around again. This time, he actually hugged the little boy’s waist directly.
"Brother, you smell good …" [
"You let me go … Section 136: Strange dream
"Brother, you smell good …"
"You let me go …"
"Brother, don’t go!"
That beautiful boy … looks like the sound of the silent moon.
And that little girl … is like her now [
What is this?
Did she lose her memory?
But … What seems to be wrong?
If the owner of this body is the woman named Mu Wan.
How could she be a sister of the silent moon?
The picture suddenly changed again.
Once again, the little boy and the little girl have grown up a lot
The boy in the white silk robe is incredibly beautiful.
And the woman in white skirt beside him is also beautiful, fresh and free from vulgarity.
"Brother, I hate that sinking fish."
The woman in white skirt pouted and looked unhappy.
The teenager turned to look at her slightly.
The face is always expressive, but the eyes are a little softer than before.
"Xiao Ya Shen Yu, did she annoy you?"
The woman in white dress bit her lip and frowned. "She likes you."
Young zheng face slightly with a hint of startled silence for a few seconds before slowly said "xiaoya you don’t talk nonsense …"
"She really likes you. I can see the way she looks at you."
The white dress seems to be in a hurry and can’t help stamping a foot and saying angrily.
"Brother, leave her alone. I don’t like her" [
The bully makes fun of her, but she takes it for granted.
The teenager looked at her silently for a long time, and his voice was very light. "I don’t like Lei Jun …"
The woman in white dress said without hesitation, "Then I’ll just ignore him."
Young lip angle with a shallow smile "and the wind jun I looked at him and felt uncomfortable all over"
"Then I won’t play with him after I ignore him."
Young lip angle smile deepened some "Yu Jun came to me and said something I don’t like obedient …"
"Well, I’ll ignore him later."
"Brother, don’t play with that heavy fish again, ok … Section 1363: You look so driven out of your mind.
"Well, I’ll ignore him later."
"Brother, don’t play with that heavy fish again, ok …"
The woman in white skirt took his arm and shook it gently as if she were coquetry.
The teenager looked down at her with soft eyes and rubbed her hand on her head. "Actually … I don’t like sinking fish …"
"Ah, then why do you want to play with her?" [
The teenager pinched her nose and eyes to spoil "little fool …"
My heart seems to be full of something … full … it’s about to overflow.
As if being pampered by a teenager, looking at herself is her own.
She can clearly feel the tenderness of a teenager.
That look, that gentle tone …
It’s like drinking a glass of wine with a poor aftertaste and a little dizzy.
A sudden pain somewhere made her wake up from her dream.
Open your eyes to see jade romantic sat there and looked at her with a pair of phoenix eyes.
She looked around in a trance for a few seconds before she came to her senses.
"Enough sleep?"
She didn’t speak. wait for a while looked at him.
Jade wind gently turned the jade cup in her hand and Gherardini said, "Get up and eat when you have enough sleep."
Jiang Xue bud rolled over from the bed and felt a little trance when she thought of that dream just now.
That ….. doesn’t look like a dream.
Dream feeling … Not like this.
Dreams … are illogical.
Many dream situations are woven by themselves.
But that dream made her feel so different.
"Why do you look so lost that you want to flow?" [
She looked at him with an expression of silence.