He wanted to call for help, and no skeleton around him could sense his spiritual command.

In an instant, his consciousness dissipated, and he didn’t even know that a young mage in a blue and white robe was behind him.
"well! Interesting! How interesting! " Duke touched Anand’s skull and learned the soul ability from the Burning Legion, which just happened to be on the scene.
When the other person’s memory is the spiritual communication channel and the form of the Lich King’s magic mark are all classified and summarized in the unified elf, Duke touched the bar. "Is this the so-called soul search?"
Vanessa spat out "Oh! Has the terrible beast duke finally broken through the sky? Have you fallen to the point where you don’t even let go of your bones? "
Duke that ah "hello! Don’t talk nonsense, motherfucker. I didn’t do anything out of line. "
"Oh oh! Even if your white turbid liquid dyed the Princess Black Dragon white? " Vanessa tilted her head in disgust.
Ugh! Vanessa, the evidence is so overwhelming.
Duke was right!
But for a moment, Duke didn’t see a fire fluttering and a flint when he waved his hand, so he turned the lying lich to ashes, and the lich’s clothes and equipment were not damaged at all.
"Master, this is …"
"Tell Jaina to stick to the plan"
At the same time, Kel ‘Thuzad felt more agitated than ever.
After becoming a lich, he has lost the feelings that a living person should have, but the spiritual attribute of anger and irritability still remains in his soul.
He didn’t know when Duke’s attack on the Black Wings Nest would last, and he didn’t know whether Kilgardan had a deeper plan for the Scourge. He knew that he would take advantage of the opportunity of these living people to take more powerful servants from the Lich King.
"Troll riots but tricks can really affect the world than the one behind Allah …"
The red light in Kel ‘Thuzad’s skull eyes swept across the stage where three apocalyptic knights were repairing their bodies with shadow energy.
The trap in Kilgardan was a little strange and felt a little … lethality was not enough, although it caused a lot of losses to the Scourge, but it was not fatal.
It seems that the three apocalypse knights were the most seriously injured in Courtas, but without the bust, it is fatal to the living and nothing more to the undead.
Kel’ Thuzad is still dissatisfied with "not good enough! It is better to have a strong enough individual to be a paladin. "
Chengda Lich has done a lot of nonhuman experiments and has come to the conclusion that the strongest undead must be transformed from the strongest Johnson.
If there is no living, there will be no dead. It is not good news for Kel ‘Thuzad, who pursues the doctrine of the dead.
When the Lich King wakes up again, Kel ‘Thuzad, a former servant, can also abide by the existing rules.
Looking at the hand farther away, I felt a little fidgety. Renault Mograine Kel Thuzad was upset for a while. This small end did not show its due value. If he assassinated his father and successfully dragged the famous Ashbringer into the dead field, Kel Thuzad might give him a second-line leader position.
Now … A third-rate death knight can go anywhere!
Raise a huge palm, like a sharp cone, and point your fingers at Kel ‘Thuzad in the east to make "Naxamas move! Target South China Sea polis! "
Kel ‘Thuzad’s human memory is not very long. He knows very well that human beings will starve fragile organisms in large quantities without food. At this time, the problems of the wilderness in the middle and west of the southern continent of eastern kingdoms and the Alvin forest are hateful. Duke managed the storm kingdom like an iron bucket
The sentinel led the upgrade. The sentinel fortress and Xiquan fortress formed a defense chain, and more cavalry and tank troops formed a rapid reaction force to make the small forces of the Natural Disaster Corps take advantage of it.
Kel ‘Thuzad thinks it is necessary to destroy an example of the alliance capital, just as Arthas did six years ago, in order to show the force of the Scourge and let the once suppressed religion rise again.
Nanhai City, a miracle city that was developed as a seaside town two years ago, is an important port connecting the north and south continents. Nanhai City has a good defense, but it still lacks the inner details of the old kingdom.
The wall can be completed by dwarf machinery, but the magical protection of the wall runes can’t be done quickly. The magician’s magic and spirit are limited, even if he is strong, it is already the limit for the mage to spend an hour every day to seal magical runes.
The magic protection level of Nanhai City can be counted.
In fact, there is a new city of Lordaeron, but Kel ‘Thuzad thinks that the Lich King will be more interested in attacking Lordaeron himself.
He’s a thief at the right time. He just let Naxxramas near at night. If everything goes well, Naxxramas can raid Nanhai City around midnight.
Night is a time when human vision is greatly reduced, but it is a golden time for the undead to perceive the outside world by their souls.
Everything seemed to go well until …
Kel ‘Thuzad was dismayed to see a huge floating island no less than Naxamas in the sky of Nanhai City.
"That’s …"
Kel ‘Thuzad will never forget the purple mage Tana standing on the dome of the island, which is the crystallization of magical wisdom precipitated by two years, and it is also the testimony of human magical writing.
Although it was once destroyed by the scourge, it is obvious that it has been rebuilt.
And a new posture is presented to the Scourge.
Kel ‘Thuzad sounds almost whisper "Dalaran …"
Chapter 1223 Fortress to fortress ()
Ordinary people’s imagination is like taking a city with a weight of one million tons to heaven.
This is not scientific!
All right!
Talking about science in a magical world is often nonsense!
After Shi Duke accepted Ronin as his younger brother, he discussed with Ronin whether to find an opportunity to rebuild Dalaran and raise Dalaran to heaven.
Who knows that Ronin’s reaction turned out to be a stupid force?
"Up to heaven? How is it possible that our mage can’t fly himself? How can we make a city fly to the sky? "
Duke was dumbfounded at that moment.
It’s strange that Duke Indu never had an official explanation before he crossed. In the end, what made Dalaran and Naxxramas ascend to heaven?
Duke used to spend his mother’s time in pain.
It turned out that Blizzard’s father was very unreliable and didn’t explain anything. Instead, he found similar information from the settings of the basic game of World of Warcraft [Longdi City].
In ancient Ulric Neisser, there was once a talented magician who sent out a magic treasure [Miser Nengken]!
This artificial magic device looks like a crystal ball, but its diameter is nearly 50 meters, and the sphere emits very bright light, which is as dazzling as looking directly at the sun. There are some dim shadows on the surface, and a gorgeous pedestal is used to fix this perfect spherical device.
Its function is very simple. It transfers the original energy of the magic network of Mystra, the goddess of the magic network in Longdi City, to the whole earth, which makes the arcane artists have to exert magic constancy to make the whole magic LAN produce an anti-magnetic field with the earth and suspend the huge mountain peak in the middle.
The arcane division of the most bunker in the Ulric Neisser Empire often cut the whole mountain flat and then inverted and suspended to make a floating city.
Duke has never found anything like "Miser Nuclear" in his life since he crossed over. He doesn’t care whether Dalaran can float in the sky like history.