It took less than an afternoon from the attack to the disintegration of Indian mercenaries, and more than 20,000 prisoners were killed. Without counting the remaining troops, Pando and Yom Klose led a breath and ran out for more than 30 miles before staying.

The Chinese revolutionary army did not continue to fight, and quickly withdrew its troops because the elite troops of Britain and France have already come from the mountain!
Forty thousand British and French troops did not move slowly. Hurley figured out the key and immediately organized an army to retreat, but Zhang Xiaohuai sent an army to entangle his army.
It took a whole afternoon to break away from each other and run towards the snowy surface.
At this time, it was precisely Guo Ye, the main force of the Chinese Revolutionary Army, who led the occupation of Indian mercenary positions and was urgently deployed.
Enemy meet particularly jealous Hurley is now trapped beast still fighting dying more than thirty thousand troops desperately to the Chinese revolutionary army position launched a * * offensive in an attempt to break through the Guo Ye organization defense Guo Ye 19th division like nails nailed the position!
Chapter one thousand four hundred and forty Win the battle
Even when Hull’s interest rate led the army to launch a fierce charge to Guo Ye in an attempt to escape, Zhang Xiaohuai led the army behind him and drove it out.
In tandem, 70,000 people wrapped Hurley’s army, and Hurley felt a burst of despair. So many troops were so powerful that this time he was really planted home!
However, the more this time, the more it aroused Hurley’s bloody Hurley’s death order. Either he rushed out of the encirclement and escaped from the birth or he was wrapped in dumplings! It’s time to fight hard when you meet the brave in the narrow road!
Hurley commanded the army to continue its onslaught, so we must make a gap, even if all the departments are dead, and the Chinese revolutionary army will be punched here! At this time, Hurley’s 30,000-40,000 people are really elite, tough and desperate, and they really rushed to the southwest.
Hull’s interest rate led the beaten army and dared not go back to flee desperately. Guo Ye was so angry that he ordered the army to chase me!
The Chinese revolutionary army chased after the mountain.
I chased it out of Qiuheli in one breath for twenty or thirty miles.
Hurley was really lucky. Pando and Yom Klose had just gathered up the defeated Indian mercenaries at this time. Almost 60,000 to 70,000 people were preparing to take a breath. Hurley also fled here.
Close is frightened to disgrace. No, we have to repel the Chinese Revolutionary Army for a while to get our way. Charge and cover the international mercenaries. Come back!
Three men commanded some troops to show offensive novels to the Chinese revolutionary army/
The snowfields between the two sides are extremely fierce, and Hurley and others are desperate to resist the Chinese revolutionary army before it gradually recedes.
At this time, Hurley was just shocked. It took only a few days for the two commanders to die, and the Gurkha mountain soldiers lost more than half of their casualties. Together, there are only * * ten thousand people. What’s the point?
Pandoclus looked at Hurley. Now Hurley is the supreme commander of the army. Please ask him to make up his mind.
Hurley waves disheartened and sighed, "No way out, immediately order mercenaries to temporarily withdraw from Nepal to rest and immediately request further instructions from Guobao. With our strength now, we can’t resist the attack of the Chinese revolutionary army …"
Few of him had any idea. He retreated to Nepal after a while.
Now, the Chinese revolutionary army is in a state of rapture. This battle was played so happily that nothing escaped from Zhang Xiaohuai’s calculation. Although Hurley finally got away, now the mercenaries have been weakened and more than half of the casualties have been killed. This battle is definitely a complete victory!
Zhang Xiaohuai asked, "Has the newspaper been sent out?"
Guo Ye replied, "The commander has sent it to the president and the chief commander, and I think I will be able to get their reply soon."
Zhang Xiaohuai nodded. Now they must have seen the good news by this time.
Guo Ye asked, "Commander, what shall we do now? Continue to attack? "
Zhang Xiaohuai smiled faintly and replied, "That is a natural battle. We must kill Britain and France in appall and never dare to use force with us again. Only in this way can we develop our country and strive for long-term peace!"
Zhang Xiaohuai got up and said, "The army will take a day off to prepare supplies. In the early morning, we will lead the army into Nepal. We must at least burn the war to the hinterland of India!"
Let’s talk about the current British and French governments
Soon they received the front-line newspaper
Belfo Lubei was blindsided by 200,000 people. It’s only been less than half a month since they met for more than ten days. It’s a shame to be beaten out of the water by the revolutionary army of Wanxia!
"Mr. Prime Minister, this time we were too hasty. The army rushed to launch an attack before it was trained and formed. As a result, it ended like this …"
Schell said with a sad face
Belfo is also annoyed now. It seems that he sent 200,000 troops to fight against the revolutionary army, so he will not lose this war. Even if the local mercenaries are too weak, there are still 40,000 elite mercenaries, all of whom are drawn from the British and French armies or are veterans of European countries with rich experience in war. I didn’t expect that the Chinese revolutionary army would still be so vulnerable!
Belfo didn’t good the spirit way, "General Scheer, this is not the time to be Monday morning quarterback. Tell me what we should do now?"
Scheer replied, "Now we have lost a big defeat. I’m afraid the French won’t send more troops. Now it’s up to the Chinese revolutionary army. If they insist on revenge, they will definitely enter India. I’m afraid that the revolutionary army will attack the hinterland of India in the shortest time …"
"How dare they!"
Belfo shouted, "India is the core interest of our British empire! No one should think about getting their hands on that land! "
Scheer wry smile way "don’t you still Chinese revolutionary army that group of war crazy will diffuseness to India? Now it is India’s initiative to invade. The Republic of China has occupied the righteousness and will definitely start work. This plan will bring three British divisions into the west to prevent the Chinese revolutionary army from hitting the hinterland of India and causing great damage to our colony! "
Belfo gritted his teeth. It’s really stealing chickens and eating rice this time.
Belfo asked, "Are we sure of winning if there is a real war?"
Scheer shook his head and replied, "We three British divisions plus the elite troops hired by the army, the Chinese Revolutionary Army won quite or slightly, but the Chinese Revolutionary Army was strong and Cang Lang helped, especially that Zhang Xiaohuai was so powerful that it was impossible for ghosts and gods to know the truth. The outcome was only 50-50, Mr. Prime Minister. We must prepare for the worst …"
However, Schell said that the worst-case scenario was quite different from what happened at present. Belfo Schell didn’t expect that the worst-case scenario would happen not in India but in the British Empire!
Belfo hate, "No matter what, if there are not enough troops, then send a division from Myanmar to help India and send a message to Lubei asking France to send another army division into the Indian battlefield!" If you want to go back to the Chinese revolutionary army! "
Chapter one thousand four hundred and forty-one Even stabbed two times
However, Belfo sent the Lubei newspaper before it was sent out.
Lu Beibeierfu stabbed a knife in his heart-Lu Bei informed Belfo that France would quit this meaningless war game. I’m sorry I didn’t accompany you to play the British Empire and the Republic of China. Play by yourself!
"Lubei, you treacherous thing, don’t die a natural death!"
Belfo flew into a rage after reading the newspaper. At the critical moment, the French Republic actually abandoned it!
This situation is beyond Belfo’s expectation. It seems to him that Lu Bei and Zhang Yi have suffered huge losses if they don’t deal with the French anyway. Lu Bei certainly won’t let it go. I didn’t expect Lu Bei to be impotent at the critical moment!
Belfo sent two newspapers in a row asking Lubei what was going on, but Lubei insisted that he just didn’t want to play with you. The recent colonies in France were somewhat restless and needed to adjust many social conditions in the colonial countries in North Africa, so he didn’t have the energy to participate in the war.
Belfo, the British Empire, was completely hung up, and it was even harder to fight without French assistance!
It’s not a French colony. Besides the problem, it’s not a complicated situation, but Mozali’s newspaper played a decisive role. It turns out that although the French * * community has a certain understanding of tanks, it’s definitely not that profound. But this time, Mozali personally realized that the formed tank units have brought great influence to the army, which is definitely not comparable to the same number of heavy artillery!
Soon after the Mozzarella newspaper was published, it was attacked by Cang Lang and died. This is a lesson that the French army gave its life to the French community.
In the next few years, the Germans will be equipped with more than 1,000 tanks, but the Chinese Revolutionary Army will be able to make more than 100,000 troops jump with less than 200 tanks. If more than 1,000 tanks bring pressure to the French army, it is not surprising that the tank army will definitely arrange the German-French border!
At this time, where is Lubei’s mind to argue with the Republic of China again? Let’s ease up first. Come first. If possible, buy tanks from the Republic of China at all costs. This is the only way for the French army to fight against the Germans in the future!
Lu Bei will never dare to stab again. God knows what will happen if the Chinese tiger in the Republic of China is offended. If you can’t buy tanks and even get stuck in the production of aircraft, you will really be unable to fight Germany. These weapons are exclusively produced in the Republic of China!
It’s the most important thing for France now that Lu Bei gave up trying to appease the Republic of China and then test the feasibility of tank procurement!
Belfo somberly called an emergency meeting for two days in succession to discuss the Indian situation. The military and political circles are really talking about this battle. This guy Belfo has never done anything good since he became prime minister. Britain and Germany are getting more and more nervous, and Britain and China are also in a terrible day. The good result was destroyed by the Republic of China, and the sneak attack on Sumatra in an attempt to pick up a cheap one. As a result, the Straits of Malacca were controlled in two. This small one is a jinx!
But anyway, there is no stranger outside the door. Now the Chinese revolutionary army has hit the door. If it doesn’t fight back, the British empire has no face except that Napoleon for a hundred years. No country dares to challenge the British empire like this!
In the end, no matter how we discuss it, we can’t avoid the first world war between Britain and China. The Chinese revolutionary army has already entered Nepal. We can’t let them occupy India, can we? Anyway, Russia and the Republic of China have already fought! Fight vigorously!
Belfo Schell and others plan to send more troops to India in an attempt to reverse the current decline and defeat!
However, at this time, the House made a different sound.
At noon on the third day, the Speaker of the House of Representatives, Sevan London Building, suddenly delivered a speech on what happened to the British Empire? In his speech, Sevan strongly criticized the current policy of the Belfo government, accusing the government of setting up a strong enemy in the British Empire. Now a German is enough for the British Empire to be busy, and it has sent troops to provoke the contradiction between China and Britain. Members of Parliament expressed strong dissatisfaction with the first government of Belfo and resolutely opposed the Indian soldiers!
If Belfo goes his own way, Sevan said that he would join the House of Representatives to impeach Belfo and ask him to resign and hand over the government!
A stone stirred up a thousand waves of Sevan’s speech, which instantly pushed the British anti-war voice to the maximum. Some people did not support Belfo’s action. Now Sevan has come out to climb up and shout. Naturally, many followers have voiced great opposition to the government.
If we really want to declare war on China, it is impossible for such an important decision to be made without the authorization of the parliament. Now that the parliament has come out to oppose it, how can we fight this war?
Belfo has completely fallen into a passive position and is struggling. Now Belfo was stabbed twice by Lube Sevan in the most difficult time, bloody.
Belfo was furious, but he didn’t have any temper with Sevan. This guy has become famous and successful in recent years. The new generation of leaders in British politics has a strong, influential and high following. According to the high position of Speaker of the House of Representatives, Belfo also has a lot to regret!
It is now that Belfo has to report the situation in India, but if we don’t wait for people to delay a day, the British mercenaries will have another layer of danger, and we can’t wait for them to bicker again and again before deciding the outcome.
Finally, in order to save the situation, Belfo had to rely on its own position to order its own political party to contact many lawmakers, and finally forced the adoption of a resolution to send troops to India to send two or three divisions to support India.
Where to transfer troops? The soil is too far away; Africa? The distance is not close; Nanyang is at a suitable distance, but there are some shortcomings in its strength. How can we deploy some troops?
This plan has also gone one step at a time. First, we transferred troops from Myanmar to help India, and then we transferred troops from Africa to fight the Chinese Revolutionary Army.
Chapter one thousand four hundred and forty-two Be overwhelmed