"Poof ha ha ha eldest brother I didn’t wronged him? He himself admits that he is a fake rich man! " Huang Dalang laughed his head off and hammered the floor with his hands.

"Oh, Nima Pi two dog, are you really a fake tycoon? I heard that you cheated women, cars and rentals, so is this presidential suite also a scam? Can you teach your uncle such a big deal? " Mu Tiezhu laughed.
"Sun, you’re right! I lied to you, and I lied to you, Sun. What do you mean by bringing a bunch of disciples? " He shook his legs and said,
"Oh, Nima also asked me a few questions, you cherry blossom girl. I saw that the uncle wanted to marry her as a wife. Do you have any opinion?" Mu Tiezhu’s arrogance squinted at Pi two dog and saw Pi two dog coming alone. He couldn’t help secretly shocked and said, Oh, my God, this name is Pi Zhen. Why doesn’t he make people pinch me when I’m a vegetarian?
"I have!" Pi two dog almost laughed, and his heart said, Meow! Two blind dogs really treat me like a former bully. If I don’t have kung fu, I can set up a hill in Baiyang Town.
"Oh, nima, you’re a poor man from a township. Besides lying to women, can you still fight? Can you beat me? You don’t know who I am, do you? "After two meters of thunder, I roared, and then I waved my huge arm, which is thicker than a tree tube, and it was covered with fancy tattoos. This fellow suddenly collapsed and saw two huge muscles of the second brachial muscle, which rolled over and rolled over. The average person was scared to see it." See? Pi two dog, just like you, I can punch your heart through with one punch, and I can make you fly ten meters away with one lift. Believe it or not? "
"Pi two dog, his name is Mu Tiezhu, the bodyguard of the chairman of Xiongniu Construction, and the leader of Xiaoxiang Street in nine planets City wants you to kneel down and call a boss. You are the boss of Jose, and you are very popular! Can you give me a sentence! " Huang Dalang arrogance at skin two dog way
"Hey, hey, hey, hey, Huang Dalang, do you really want me to kneel down?" He said, "Oh, my God, this yellow egg looks like this guy really doesn’t know my strength. He told me to kneel down and call me the boss. Oh, my God, what a shock!"
"Yeah yeah skin two dog we how also is a person of hometown, right? I want to take care of my fellow villagers. You should kneel down with Boss Mu and present this cherry blossom girl as a pawn. Boss Mu will protect you. You can cheat whoever you want without being beaten if something happens! It’s cool to think about it, isn’t it? " Huang Dalang doesn’t know how to live or die.
"What if I don’t agree?" Pi two dog said to walk the dog for a while first.
"What skin two dog Jose eldest brother see a woman you don’t give it to him is absolutely impossible! Angered him. He could tear your bones to pieces! Listen to me, come on your knees! " Huang Dalang pretended to be saddened.
"Huang Dalang, have you ever knelt down?"
"I, I, I am Jose boss’s most loyal dog leg. Jose boss let me kneel and I will kneel! Kneeling will not lose a piece of meat! "
"That you kneel to me? Well, I’ve lived such a big life that I haven’t knelt for anyone but my parents and ancestors! I won’t if you let me kneel. Why don’t you show me first? " He said in a tone of discussing the goods
Mu Tiezhu and two dog are going to throw in the towel and surrender. It is estimated that they are going to pull Huang Dalang with them. Look at the cherry blossom girl. These two meters of evil spirits nodded and said, "Oh, Nima, come on, Huang Dalang, show me first!"
"ah? Boss, I … All right! " Huang Dalang said that boss Mu made a speech. I dare not listen. Isn’t that asking for trouble? Thinking about this villain’s teeth is to push the golden mountain to pour the jade column! Kneeling in front of the two-meter giant.
Not only were the seven younger brothers next to him stunned, but Pi two dog was also surprised. "Huang Dalang, if you kneel, you will have a promising future!"
"Don’t laugh at you, are you kneeling?"
Smell speech skin two dog absolutely down the way "is that you want to kneel, I didn’t say to kneel! If I kneel, am I still Pi two dog? "
"Oh, Nimapi two dog, you dare to cheat even when you are old?" Instantly, Mu Tiezhu’s face turned blue and red, even his mouth was crooked with anger. Suddenly, he made a loud thunder. "Oh, what the fuck are you doing? Give me a pig’s head and let him bark like a dog!"
At the first order, seven younger brothers swarmed with fists, lifted their feet and kicked them, and two dog stormed with his mouth biting against Pi.
The two-meter giant Pi two dog is about to turn into a pig’s head while making fun with his eyes closed.
After a few minutes, Mu Tiezhu’s heart rang, saying that Niang Xipi had no movement. This Pi two dog Nima stopped eating without hitting!
Thinking about him suddenly opened his eyes and saw him blindsided!
Chapter 194 Mu Tiezhu fiasco
Oh, damn it, I’m not hallucinating. Why did you bring seven younger brothers to beat up?
Immediately two meters giant is a face of Meng than looking at skin two dog way "I didn’t expect this poor man and two! Oh, come here, Nima, come here and make a big gesture with you! "
Huang Dalang is still kneeling. After hearing Jose boss roar, he suddenly dumped his head and shouted "Ah? Boss, I suspect that Pi two dog has invited a real master! Did Qian Pi two dog have a meal? Where did he come from? As far as I know, this poor Bigan can’t fight! "
"Oh, Nima, you keep your eyes open and look at this place. Besides us, two women are just a skin two dog. What do you say about the real master? Could he be invisible? Schrotten! Useless! " Mu Tiezhu looked at a troubled stablehand who fell to the ground and was livid with anger.
Huang Dalang was scolded by the boss. He winked at Pi two dog and said, "two dog, these brothers are you beating? No way. You have such a big deal? Why don’t I believe it? "
Looking at Huang Dalang’s face, two dog said cheerfully, "Huang Dalang, I said I didn’t hit him. Do you believe it or not?"
"Eldest brother heard? Pi two dog himself admitted that he had the help of an expert! " Huang Dalang is full of expressions of discovering the new continent.
"You all know that there are experts to help that don’t go to elicit information? Schrotten! Useless! " Mu Tiezhu roared and scared Huang Dalang to jump up like an imperial edict and ran out for information.
"Mu Tiezhu, look behind!" The two-meter giant didn’t know whether it was a plan or a twist of his head to look at the back. At that moment, Pi two dog’s body and energy department reached a fist in their ears, pounding Mu Tiezhu’s back with one fist.
Boxing strength bullying than breaking gas set off a huge air billow.
The two-meter giant was slammed by a thousand pounds, and it was like a building dumping on the ground with a big kiss on the ground. When he got up, his high nose was flattened and he was bleeding profusely!
"Oh nima who hit me? !” After Mu Tiezhu touched a nosebleed, he saw that Pi two dog was propped up and didn’t move, and he didn’t believe that Pi two dog’s boxing power reached one thousand pounds! I can’t help but look around. As a result, the large living room is still a face of Meng than these two-meter giants.
Seeing that this troll is full of a shit-eating expression, Pi two dog, a hippie, said happily, "Mu Tiezhu hasn’t seen it clearly yet. People are right behind you!"
As soon as Mu Tiezhu listened to the master, he suddenly turned around and slammed his mouth with his eyes closed. "Ah-I’ll kill you!"
Just as the two-meter giant was in a hurry, Pi two dog suddenly appeared behind him, aimed at his eyes and scattered a pack of powdery things all over the place.
The two-meter giant cried out in pain, rubbing his dog’s eyes back and forth desperately, and gave a desperate roar, "Oh, I can’t see! Ah, ah, Huang Dalang, where the hell have you been? I can’t see anything! "
"Mu Tiezhu, after my name is Wang Langjun, why don’t you call me brother two dog and ask me to let you die?" Pi two dog suddenly conjured up a gray old man’s voice to talk to the two-meter giant.
Mu Tiezhu is really the master talking to him? Blindly swearing, "Oh, the fucking dead old man has a fair fight! What kind of hero is it? "
"Ha ha to deal with you this big villain don’t put some material how line? Come and fight if you have something to do! " Said the skin two dog suddenly riveted enough strength to pound Mu Tiezhu alongside of.seem with a loud bang to see the two-meter giant and pick up a big kiss with the wall!
This big kiss is not only uncomfortable, but also directly caused a big concussion. The two-meter giant’s head is buzzing and his headache is splitting, and he cries like killing a pig, "Oh, damn you, old man!" I planted it here this time. When I get over it, I’ll kill you! "
Pi two dog thought that the goods almost defiled Tian Huili Xiang, and suddenly he was so angry that he pounded at the two-meter-high live sandbag for dozens of punches and beat Mu Tiezhu black and blue.
How dare you try Tian Huilixiang? Look in the mirror if you don’t pee. How much do you weigh?
Out of the fully skin two dog old voice replied "two meters Johnson fuck off after stay away from my brother! Dare to be arrogant again and fight once! " With that, he winked at Tian Huilixiang. At this time, Tian Huilixiang was dressed. Boss Bai meant that a bucket of water was poured from the sanitation to the seven comatose wings. Suddenly, those people spilled and woke up one by one. Look at me. I look at you as if you had a nightmare.
Mu Tiezhu eyes still a fuzzy root can’t see who is who, a face of decay around fumbling, "boys, where are you? Help the old man go back quickly! Dead old gentleman revenge ten years not late you a dead old man waiting for! "
Those guys have had enough of two dog’s fist and don’t want to taste it for the second time. Seven people, Qi Xin, worked together to carry the two-meter giant out like a coffin.
At this time, Huang Dalang returned to see the boss’s horror. "Eldest brother, what’s wrong with you?" Which king egg hit you? "
"Huang Dalang said goodbye to Pi two dog and invited an old man. After seeing Pi two dog, the old man was so powerful that he had to take a detour. We can’t afford to be taunted with the protection of an expert!" Mu Tiezhu has been carried away, and he is still full of invisible masters.
"Boss, don’t you want that cherry blossom girl?"
"Waste! Useless! Who said that if you don’t want to keep looking at things, you can’t run away! Wait! "
Besides, Guang Jiao Jiao is the only one who has seen two dog’s fist kung fu tonight. Seeing that he beat the two-meter troll to the ground, he couldn’t help but look at him with a face of worship. "two dog, you are amazing. I know you will make money. I didn’t expect you to be a first-class martial arts master! It’s a good thing you saved me. Otherwise, Li Xiang and I would have been strengthened by those murderers! "
"Sister Jiao Jiao, I’m sure there must be two tripods of kung fu in Baiyang Town. Otherwise, who are you?"
Just chatting, Guang Jiao Jiao suddenly patted his thigh and said, "Oh, just now Huang Dalang said that he would take me away. Will you accompany me to have a look?"
"Mu Tiezhu and his gang suffered a fiasco, and they dare to pull something and give them ten guts?" When he said this, he ordered Tian Hui to be fragrant with pears. "Go and see the pears!"
"It’s the boss!"